Dr Kay Danes brings two decades of extensive experience to the table, specialising in crafting policy documents that skillfully transform complex legislative concepts into accessible, user-friendly language. Her expertise lies in breaking down intricate ideas and presenting them in a way that is easily understood by a wide range of audiences. Throughout her career, Dr Danes has consistently bridged the gap between technical jargon and everyday understanding.
Beyond her skill in policy writing, Dr. Danes is passionate about all forms of inquiry. As a real-world game-changer, she approaches each project with a keen investigative mindset, thoroughly exploring every aspect of an issue. This dedication to in-depth research enables her to uncover innovative and practical solutions to real-world problems. Dr. Danes' commitment to finding effective resolutions stems from a genuine desire to make a positive impact and create meaningful change across various sectors of society.
Dr Kay Danes graduated with a PhD from the School of Law and Justice at one of Australia's top universities. Her thesis was submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the School of Law and Justice, Southern Cross University, Australia
Thesis Title: A qualitative inquiry into the evolving professionalisation of the Australian Humanitarian Sector
This thesis provides a significant original contribution to knowledge by examining the Australian humanitarian sector and offering recommendations for its professionalisation. It advances current discussions on the duty of care, skills, and personal development of aid workers, with the goal of evolving the Australian humanitarian sector into a fully-fledged profession.
Adjunct Lecturer, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Mentor, Masters and PhD Thesis Examiner.
Southern Cross University (School of Law and Justice)
University of New England (School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
University of South Australia (School of Law) - (External Examiner)
Link to Publications on Academia
Thesis Download
Southern Cross University Alumnus
Curtin University Alumnus
Old Girls (Moreton Bay College)
Kay is an avid nonfiction writer who has authored several books. She's also a passionate advocate for first-time authors, helping many secure publishing deals with major houses. Some of these authors have even been granted film and television rights.
Kay Danes and David Birkett, 2021. Safety Essentials For Business and Leisure Travel: In the Air, on Land or at Sea…. and during Pandemics! Cambridge Scholar Publishing, London. (2021) (Download)
Kay Danes, 2010. Beneath the Pale Blue Burqa, Big Sky Publishing, Sydney. ISBN 9781928275056 (Download)
Kay Danes, 2009. Standing Ground: An Imprisoned Couple's Struggle for Justice Against a Communist Regime, New Holland, Sydney. ISBN 9781741107579 (Download)
Kay Danes, 2008. Families Behind Bars: Stories of injustice, endurance and hope. New Holland, Sydney. ISBN 9781741106763 (Download)
Kay Danes, 2006. Nightmare in Lao: The true story of a woman imprisoned in a Communist gulag, Maverick House Publishers, Meath, Ireland. ISBN 9781905379088 (Download)
Kay Danes, 2002. Deliver us from evil: Bad things do happen to good people, Crown Content Publishers, Melbourne. ISBN 1740950259 (Download)
Dr. Danes began working on two significant writing projects in 2024 to document the Afghan Humanitarian Crisis and a subsequent book with Author David Birkett on Global Leadership.
Sharon Bown, 2016. One Woman's War and Peace: A Nurse's Journey Through the Royal Australian Air Force, Exisle Publishing, Woolombi, Australia. ISBN 1925335313 [Cover endorsement by Kay Danes] (Download)
Sally Healey and Terri Cooper, 2012. Women on Top: Against the Odds. e-Book. ISBN 9780987078414 [Forward by Kay Danes] - (Download)
Kay Danes, 2011. ‘Live Your Dreams’, in Phillips, K. (ed.), Women's Words of Wisdom, Power & Passion: 50 influential achievers share their inspiring insights, KP Media, e-Book, ISBN: 9780646537177 (Download)
Australian Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention
Kay Danes and Glenn Kolomeitz, (2021). Submission to the Royal Commission Defence and Veteran Suicide 2021, GAP Veteran & Legal Services, (18 November 2021). (Download)
Kay Danes, (2023) “Reflections: an oversight entity to promote the wellbeing of ADF serving members, veterans and families.” Personal Submission. 10 DEC 2023. (Download)
Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force
Kay Danes, (2023) 'A Conflict Resilient Workplace: Transformative best practice in the Australian Defence Force workplace.’ (Submission to the Inspector‐General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF) Twenty Year Review. 21 Nov 2023. (Download)
'This research is critical to advocating for much-needed reforms in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) workplace. Dr Danes is deeply invested in the well-being and success of Australia's Defence members. She has passionately advocated for them for at least four decades, to safeguard their professional status and reputation, as well as their mental health.' Dr Glenn Kolomeitz (Cardinal Legal)
The Office of the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention.
Kay Danes, (2021). 'Pleading Positive Reform: An analysis of suicide risk, self-harm and reputational peril.' (Download)
PowerPoint Presentation to Defence and Veteran Community: (Download).
Council of Civil Liberties (Australia)
Kay Danes, (2021). 'Stand Tall for ADF PTS Reforms.' CLArion. (Download)
Kay Danes, (2020). 'Defence Lives Matter... call for Senate Inquiry' CLArion. (Download)
Kay Danes, (2019). ‘Army ‘Regs’ lead to institutional abuse by Defence’ CLArion. (Download)
Kay Danes, (2018). ‘Command Failings that are defence-less’ CLArion. (Download)
Kay Danes, (2016). ‘The Moral Ethic of ADF Employment Rights,’ CLArion. (Download)
Kay Danes, (2020). 'How dare the ADF Leadership tarnish our 1st Commando Regiment.' Editorial LinkedIn. (Download)
Dr. Danes frequently participates in discussions shaping Australian politics. The Senate and other parliamentary committees have publicly accepted many of her recommendations, contributing to policy-making on several important issues affecting vulnerable populations in Australian society.
Dr Kay Danes OAM, 2024. Submission to the Australian Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee 21 AUG 24 (Australians Wrongly and Arbitrarily Detained Overseas). This submission file also contains details of 'The Danes Case Study' (Download)
Dr Kay Danes and Dr Glenn Kolomeitz, 2021. Senate Submission: Australia’s Involvement in Afghanistan. Two critical reports were written by Dr Danes and co-signed by her colleagues representing GAP Legal Services. Dr Danes also wrote and submitted her own individual submission (Refer to 18). These submissions also provided evidence to a live Senate inquiry where members of the public and officials were called to testify on matters from Dr Danes' submissions.
The communication was filed by Dr Kay Danes and Dr Glenn Kolomeitz with a view to combating impunity for international crimes at the highest echelons of the Australian Defence Force and to holding to account those bearing the greatest responsibility for the crimes in the light of the gravity of the acts allegedly committed.
Submission to The Hague (15 June 2023): Article 15 Communication to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (The Hague)