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Australian Defence Force Advocacy 

Dr Kay Danes recognised among 'extraordinary' people in the Veteran community supporting those who served our great nation.

Kay Danes | A Veteran Change Maker

Veteran & Veteran Family Change Makers 2022/23

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Resolute Ready Ambassador

Dr Kay Danes OAM Resolute Ready International Ambassador


With four decades of advocacy experience, Dr Danes served as President of Army Families (WA) Inc, where she developed well-being programs for Defence families in Western Australia, leading to the 'tri-service collaboration' between Army, Navy, and Airforce families.

Her research and advocacy work has influenced policy reforms for Australian Defence Force personnel. She developed the "Hostage—Survive with Dignity" training program for overseas-deployed personnel.

Dr Danes serves as a human rights advisor for various organisations, including her current role as International Ambassador for Resolute Ready, supporting military and first responder initiatives.

Resolute Ready.jpg
Kay Danes speaks to Sky News Host Catherine McGregor
Legendary Media Personality Alan Jones AO, interviews Dr Kay Danes at 10:12 mins on Australian War Crimes Issues.
Dr Kay Danes continues to advocate for Australian Defence Personnel against institutional abuse.


Dr. Danes, a Defence and Veteran Advocate, created 'Defence Lives Matter' to address ADF member workplace grievances. Unresolved issues cause lasting reputational damage and mental health impacts. Without workplace reforms, these problems persist post-service, affecting legal claims and increasing suicide and self-harm risks in the Defence and Veteran community.

Defence Lives Matter 

Website: (LINK)

Reform Page: (LINK)

Australian Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention

Kay Danes and Glenn Kolomeitz, (2021). Submission to the Royal Commission Defence and Veteran Suicide 2021, GAP Veteran & Legal Services, (18 November 2021). (Download)


Kay ​Danes, (2023) “Reflections: an oversight entity to promote the wellbeing of ADF serving members, veterans and families.” Personal Submission. 10 DEC 2023. (Download)

Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force​​​

Kay Danes, (2023) 'A Conflict Resilient Workplace: Transformative best practice in the Australian Defence Force workplace.’ (Submission to the Inspector‐General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF) Twenty Year Review. 21 Nov 2023. (Download)


'This research is critical to advocating for much-needed reforms in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) workplace. Dr Danes is deeply invested in the well-being and success of Australia's Defence members. She has passionately advocated for them for at least four decades, to safeguard their professional status and reputation, as well as their mental health.' Dr Glenn Kolomeitz (Cardinal Legal) 


The Office of the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention.

Kay Danes, (2021). 'Pleading Positive Reform: An analysis of suicide risk, self-harm and reputational peril.' (Download)

PowerPoint Presentation to Defence and Veteran Community: (Download).

Council of Civil Liberties (Australia) 

Kay Danes, (2021). 'Stand Tall for ADF PTS Reforms.' CLArion. (Download)

Kay Danes, (2020). 'Defence Lives Matter... call for Senate Inquiry' CLArion. (Download)

Kay Danes, (2019). ‘Army ‘Regs’ lead to institutional abuse by Defence’ CLArion. (Download)

Kay Danes, (2018). ‘Command Failings that are defence-less’ CLArion. (Download)

Kay Danes, (2016). ‘The Moral Ethic of ADF Employment Rights,’ CLArion. (Download)


Kay Danes, (2020). 'How dare the ADF Leadership tarnish our 1st Commando Regiment.' Editorial LinkedIn. (Download)

VIDEO (Media)

ABC Radio: Veteran advocates respond to Royal Commission (Listen to audio)

The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide only came about because of the campaigning of families of military personnel who've died by suicide. They've been pouring over the long-awaited report and its recommendations.

More Information




Gwen Cherne, Veteran Family Advocate Commissioner
Kay Danes, veteran advocate 
Glenn Kolomeitz, military lawyer
Dr Peggy Brown, commissioner



Dr Kay Danes and Dr Glenn Kolomeitz authored Senate submissions on Australia's Involvement in Afghanistan (2021). This included two reports co-signed by GAP Legal Services colleagues and Dr Danes' individual submission. (Refer to 18). 



Dr Kay Danes and Dr Glenn Kolomeitz filed the communication to address international crimes at senior levels of the Australian Defence Force and ensure accountability for serious alleged offenses.

Submission to The Hague (15 June 2023): Article 15 Communication to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (The Hague) 

Sunday Mail


Dr Kay Danes co-authors LANDMARK justice advocacy submission to the International Criminal Court.

Why this case, why now?

Major General Paul Brereton, a judge and Australian Army reservist was tasked to investigate allegations of war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. While Brereton's report, released in 2020, claimed to have found evidence that Australian troops unlawfully killed Afghans, incredibly, he gave a “blanket exemption” to the higher command.

Arguably, the Australian Government needs to address the "shocking lack of accountability at the top of our Defence Force" to end Australia's impunity on the issue of command responsibility.

Submission to The Hague (15 June 2023): to ensure Australia’s legal system remains robust and accountable. ​​​​​
Advocacy to the International Criminal Court

Senator Lambie with Dr Kolomeitz and Dr Kay Danes

'Dr Kay Danes and Glenn Kolomeitz... your work in this field is invaluable.' -- Katherine Plint HCM Legal (Connect)

Dr Kay Danes and Dr Glenn Kolomeitz team up to provide legal training to Australia's National War Memorial staff

  • Introducing the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols I, II and III.

  • What is International Humanitarian Law?

  • How do International Human Rights Laws fit into Global Armed Conflicts?

  • What is the Joint Prioritized Effects List (JPELs)?

  • Do Rules of Engagement prevent War Crimes? 

Cardinal Legal Advocates

​Providing comprehensive legal presentations to the Australian War Memorial (AWM) on international law, rules of engagement, JPELS (terrorist target lists) and war crimes. Enabling AWM staff to better understand elements of the Afghanistan campaign relevant to their exhibits.

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